Source security is a new tool at disposal for shop owners to counter shoplifting. Most of the currently used security technologies are Radio Frequent (RF) and Acousto-Magnetic (AM) based systems. The AM-technology concludes two detection panels and an activated label or tag in or fitted onto the product. The Electronic Article Surveillance System (EAS) is capable of detecting and analysing shop data.
Source security results in a decrease of packaging materials needed.
Tags and labels are small, so it excludes the need of huge and uncomfortable packages on the shelves. Some labels can even be adapted towards trends and developments in shoplifting. The AM-technology is capable of detecting even metal-containing articles like coffee and chocolate wrappings, and can therefore be applied in supermarkets, clothing stores and perfume shops.
A new development in AM-security is Visible Source Tagging (VST). This results that the TAG will be embedded in the country of production. Also a new trend has been found in advertising through the detection panels. New is also anti jamming; this prevents professional burglars to disable the security system.